Safari Time

When I heard of the West Midland Safari Park having 2 litters of cubs I was extremely eager to go and photograph them. On hearing they would be on show during the February Half Term I managed to persuade my Mom to drive me around so I could be in the back and have access to both windows on either side. On the first drive around there wasn’t much to see and the weather had taken a turn for the worst with a few raindrops hitting the windows. I was really upset to see workmen inside the Lion enclosure thus the cubs not being out as this was specifically what I came for.

On the second trip around I kept my fingers crossed and I saw lots of cars parked in the Lion enclosure. I couldn’t believe my luck! They had been let out and although it was raining lightly I managed to get some decent photos of the cubs especially a little female cub named Hira. Another bonus of the day was the White Bengal Tigers, especially Scraps, who was more than happy to model for me. A new species to photograph for me were the Dholes who were really interested in my car wheels and were very playful, running around and pouncing on each other.

Apart from the gloomy weather I got what I came for and with the free return ticket I got on arrival I’m anxious to go back very soon to see how the cubs are doing!

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